Vote 411 Answers to their Questionnaire


From their website: VOTE411 is committed to ensuring voters have the information they need to successfully participate in every election. Whether it’s local, state or federal, every election is important to ensuring our laws and policies reflect the values and beliefs of our communities.
The questions and answers 

What would be your top three priorities if elected?

Economic, illegal immigration and protecting families from government overreach.

What do you think would be the most beneficial policies to address climate change and the damage caused by climate change in NYS?

I think the most beneficial policy that can be put into effect is preserving our existing land without further development. As a landowner and landlord for an over 20 years. We have a historically rehabbed existing properties without disturbing the community and its environment. Some of our examples would be Rest Haven Inc. Monroe, New York and Pinecrest Bungalow Colony Monroe New York. During our 8 years in Monroe we developing these properties. We have been under attack by certain administrations to eliminate these for bigger development and eliminating of trees and the environment that the land possess. For instance, Pinecrest Bungalow Colony consists of 20 acres with 20 old Bungalow units that can be converted. It also houses a 2 acre Lake and a wooded property. Town of Monroe is attempting to dissolve its use in an exchange for the town to acquire the property and make it workforce housing and eliminating the environment.

On the same property with concern about the old services to the property like water, gas and electric. We just did a $300,000 infrastructure upgrade, reducing everything underground and upgrading the services to the property to ensure the safety of the environment around us by eliminating the risk of any Forest fires.

I will work with environmentalists to learn of new things that we can do for our environment and balance the cost of our environment with this survival of our community. Trees are one of our biggest factors because they breathe the air in and put clean air out.

What measures do you support to improve and secure elections and voting access in our state?

I would work with organizations such as Armstrong to eliminate any errors that are on our register role. I’m fully committed to a total review of the voter registry. From one of my meetings, I’ve come to learn that there are roughly 330,000 people on a registered role that are no longer with us possibly. I think we should put together a commission to eliminate any discrepancy down to an error rate of only 2% or less. This way it does not make a material difference in an election..

What policies will you pursue to promote social and racial justice in our state?

I believe in the clean slate Act. This goes into effect November 16, 2024.


Illegal Immigarion
Climate Change
Pinecrest Bungalow Colony
clean slate Act