Articles, Press Releases, and More

My Promise To You
My Promise To YouHere are 7 of my campaign promises to you, my constituents. I remind you that the 42nd district includes the entire Orange County except for Newburgh and Montgomery. Remember that I am in the race not because I have to be but because I want to be. My...

A FIGHT TO PRESERVE OUR COUNTY – sewer system & contaminated water
DAVID VS GOLIATH FIGHT TO PReSERVE OUR COUNTYMy very first day after being sworn in as your New York state senator. I will demand that I be given all information on the entire sewer system. I will do a top to bottom review inspecting where $200 million has gone thus...

Clean Drinking water
Clean drinking water - Unfortuneately not! Clean drinking water. It's something we all need and depend on, Democrat, Republican, left, right, bad, good, doesn't matter. We all need it to survive, and for as much as I dislike some of my political opponents and for...

Our daughters should feel safe, appreciated, respected
Don't Be Misled by the Name. This isn't about Equal Rights! This is about our daughter's rights and their safety! NY Senator James Skoufis and his wife welcomed their first child, a girl in 2021 Yet knowing the impact it would have on all girls in NY State James...

Timothy Jon Mitts is Not A Politician
Show the politicians that your voice has power! Vote for Timothy Jon Mitts because he is NOT A POLITICIAN He is a regular guy trying to make his community a better place to live. Timothy Jon Mitts has said he is in this race as a businessman, not a politician. He...

Don't Be Misled by the Name. This isn't about Equal Rights! FACT SHEET: Proposed Constitutional Amendment: The So-Called “Equal Rights Amendment” Partisan policymakers claim this amendment is needed to protect abortion rights in New York. This is not true....

Determined Representation. Protecting our rights
VOTE ON NOVEMBER 5TH CONSERVATIVE Honest, hardworking and Determined Representation. It is time to remove the unreasonable laws and taxes hurting New York businesses. Over the years I've gone up against the government. I didn't use taxpayer dollars. I used my...

NY Potholes Start Small, Build Big
Start Small, Build Big There’s a multitude of issues that New York State needs to address, and more importantly, or rather, most importantly her representatives need to address. There’s crime, unemployment, skyrocketing homelessness, basic infrastructure, and...

Mitts Is Making It Better
Timothy Jon Mitts Is Making It Better! One of the problems with politics is that over time we’ve become so apathetic to the whole process that it’s become difficult to see any bright side to it, to see that somebody might actually be trying to make it better...

Mitts Campaigned, Mitts ran, Mitts won, That’s the will of the People
It does disturb me to some level that party leaders are more concerned about what they think should be the right thing versus what the voters say. I understand that they thought she was the best. Voters chose different. It doesn't matter how you got there. It was this...