Clean drinking water – Unfortuneately not!

drinking water glass

Clean drinking water.

It’s something we all need and depend on, Democrat, Republican, left, right, bad, good, doesn’t matter.
We all need it to survive, and for as much as I dislike some of my political opponents and for whatever faults I may possess, you know what?
If they needed a glass of water to drink, I’d happily get it for them and make sure it was clean.

Because it’s basic humanitarian decency.  

Furthermore, I’d like to think that we’d all do that for each other just as a…well, I don’t like to beat a dead horse but again a BASIC ACT OF HUMAN COURTESY AND DECENCY.
So, it occurs to me that we would ALL have some BASIC investment in CLEAN DRINKING WATER.
And if there were some problem there in finding it or getting it or fixing it or what have you we’d ALL be very happily invested in MAKING IT CLEAN..and accessible.
But maybe I’m just being too idealistic here because that doesn’t seem to be the case.
And that just plain galls me to no end because it’s the year TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY-FOUR for Pete’s sake and I’d like to think that for all the problems we have, and for as far as we’ve come in progress, science, medicine, technology and so on…obtaining and making available CLEAN DRINKING WATER in AMERICA of all places would be pretty high on the list of most easily solved problems by now.
But again, that doesn’t seem to be the case because two municipalities, South Blooming Grove and the town of Monroe are complaining of the smell of sewage in their drinking water.
Did the town councils and appropriate authorities jump all over it, investigate it, and fix it?
They said there wasn’t any problem. People were imagining things.
Then, upon MY investigation, It was discovered that they DID know there was a problem, in fact knew about it the whole time.
And did NOTHING.
And on top of that I was given PUSH BACK for my investigation.
Now I wonder, why, or what would cause or contribute to relevant authorities giving push back on an issue as plain and simple and humanely decent as providing clean drinking water to its constituents and peoples?
Why would anyone not only deny there was a problem, but then push back after admitting there was a problem, and they didn’t do anything about it.
Maybe you should be the judge, after all, they work for you, and the salaries they earn come from your pocket.
Maybe they’re thirsty, and would like a glass of drinking water from South Bloomington or Monroe?