Mitts Campaigned, Mitts ran, Mitts won, That’s the will of the People

It does disturb me to some level that party leaders are more concerned about what they think should be the right thing versus what the voters say. I understand that they thought she was the best. Voters chose different. It doesn’t matter how you got there. It was this word of the people. Yet they’re willing to violate their Voters rights for their own agenda.

Mitts Campaigned,

Mitts ran,

Mitts won,

That’s the will of the People


We want to put an end to an argument that some of Timothy Jon Mitts opponents seem intent on keeping alive. And that’s the idea that somehow, despite the numbers being what they are, he didn’t really win, Houle did.

He just sort of won because of some fluke.

To our minds, they are implying that the fluke is you, the voters, who VOTED in a majority, and said he won.

But see, that’s one of Mitts major issues right there. The gaslighting, the TELLING you what happened despite what really happened being what really happened.

He campaigned, he ran, he won.

And he didn’t even have to have any midnight delays in the vote count either to prove it. The votes were tallied up, in a single day, and the voice of the people was heard. But to hear Houle’s supporters tell it, he didn’t win. And you guys didn’t mean what you said when you said with your votes that Mitts was the better candidate.

And that’s a problem for Timothy Jon Mitts, and that’s something he’s vowed to oppose during his tenure as Senator. And that’s the notion that just because some people are in politics, and they’re politicians, very important people you know, they clearly they know better than you what happens, why it happens, how it happens, and all that malarkey, and you…well, you just need to do what you’re told, and more importantly think what you’re told to think, when you’re told to think it.

Timothy Jon Mitts means it when he says he’s there to represent the will of the people, YOU. our interests, not his own, are what he values when he goes to work.

Indeed, just look at his talking points, look at his concerns, look at his values.

He seems to be spending an awful lot of time talking about things that matter. Instead of things that don’t.

Maybe, just maybe if they were concerned about YOUR interests they wouldn’t be wasting time TELLING you what you think, and they’d be talking about what they intend to accomplish when they become Senator.