Timothy Jon Mitts is making it better

Timothy Jon Mitts Is Making It Better!


One of the problems with politics is that over time we’ve become so apathetic to the whole process that it’s become difficult to see any bright side to it, to see that somebody might actually be trying to make it better for all of us.

Granted, those people who will fight for what’s right are few and far between. Most people in the game seem to treat it exactly like a game. It’s a means to an end. This means talking some talk, but not walking the walk. Just make some noise, make some deals, and walk away with a fat bank account. And the end, well, that’s the end.

And their net worth is somehow improved by millions from a salaried government job. Granted NY State Legislators are the highest paid in the nation but it still gives reason to pause, doesn’t it!

So when folks like Timothy Jon Mitts come along, it’s easy to see how easy it is to call him a politician and that’s that. No better than the rest.

But he’s not a politician. He’s a concerned citizen who feels he can do better.

Just take a moment and look at their actions and see what everyone in this race is doing. In Matt’s case he is actually trying to make NY’s District 42 better.

After all, you the voters, regular American folks seem to think he can make it better. We know from his past history he will fight for the people, call out the corruption, and put it all on the line!

So maybe he sometimes come across as brash or loud, how can you really blame him considering what he’s up against.

If he was just like all the politicians you’d think the establishment Party liners would be backing him right up, but nope, they’re not. Instead, they’re endorsing somebody else.

And they’re all taking shots at Timothy Jon Mitts. And they are spending a lot of time, money, and effort telling you he’s a bad horse to bet on.

That should say something too.

Then there’s the fact that Timothy Jon Mitts spent his OWN MONEY just getting a spot in the race. Not tax payer money, not your money, not mine…His own.

Just off hand how many politicians can you name that do that? Go ahead, we’ll wait.

So in conclusion, maybe, just maybe, we should entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, Timothy Jon Mitts wants what we all want fair governance, transparency, and accountability.