my promise to you

My Promise To You

Here are 7 of my campaign promises to you, my constituents.

I remind you that the 42nd district includes the entire Orange County except for Newburgh and Montgomery.

Remember that I am in the race not because I have to be but because I want to be.

My FIRST CAMPAIGN PROMISE is to clean up our human consumption of water reserves to protect our health for child/elderly and hold the municipalities responsible by removing their legal protections!!

My SECOND CAMPAIGN PROMISE that I will take up the issue of tree clearing.

My THIRD CAMPAIGN PROMISE that I will take up the issue for criminal reform.

My FOURTH CAMPAIGN PROMISE is to remove all allocated budgeted items that have no reason for being on or reserved on the books from years prior. This includes COVID money. New York state is required by law to balance the budget each year but has failed to each year.

My FIFTH CAMPAIGN PROMISE is prison reform.

My SIXTH CAMPAIGN PROMISE is to advocate for seniors for better quality healthcare as they retire. I have always been an advocate for taking care of our seniors.

My SEVENTH CAMPAIGN PROMISE is to set up a land trust fund where the state will start acquiring any and all municipal owned vacant lots for non-development. Such is the Rye Hill project in Monroe for the vacant 45 acres off of Mine Road. The state would acquire the property so they could never be developed on. It would require the entire Senate to agree to it. This takes the politics out of preserving our Orange County community from over development.