Press Release

conservative votes mitts verses houle

Senate race frontrunner Timothy Jon Mitts Standing Tall for District 42

Dark Horse candidate Timothy Jon Mitts surged ahead in his bid to become Senate representative for District 42, ousting his opponent Dorothy Houle in a vote of 426 to 386.

He was expected to make little if much of a showing in the polls, but his efforts of reform and calling out local corruption caused a 20% voter turnout in his favor,

causing perhaps a rethinking of Conservative party leaderships strategic outlook for the year ahead,, which had previously refused to support him.

Party leadership was quoted as saying “Skoufis and his donors were on your side for the Primary just for this situation to play out as it did. But it won’t be enough In

November to defeat Dorey.” A clear mind could easily read between the lines and detect more than a hint of uncertainty behind the blustery…certainty he couldn’t win.

And while the Conservative Party might have more immediate momentum behind them, the question remains will it be enough for them to preserve Houle, their hopeful in the face of Mitts, who’s already rallied support across the board demographically?

When asked about how he feels about the results, and the sentiments of his opposition he had this to say.

“For me, this isn’t about winning or losing, or holding some office, it’s about doing a job. Because that’s exactly what I’ll be doing as Senator, a job. I’m elected to a position in which I have a job to do, and that job is representing the interests of the people who elected me, looking after the community, and doing my best to improve it while I’m there. And that’s it.”

It seems he’s clearly stated his position and intentions for moving into November and with only four months to go to the election, it’s not an overstatement to say this race is anybody’s game. But it seems a growing number within the population are starting to think Senator Timothy Jon Mitts might be just the ticket for a people tired of lots of talk, and nothing getting done.



Media Contact: 
Timothy Jon Mitts, The Friends Of Timothy Jon Mitts